CASTING NOTICE (Deadline Extended): Looking for District 1 Stars to Share Their Experiences

We are searching for District 1 Toastmasters members who:

  1. Are Successful in your professional lives:
    •  Public Speakers
    • Social Media Influencers (bloggers, vloggers, etc)
    • Entrepreneurs (especially in technology, communications and other emerging fields)
    • Service Providers
    • Any other profession that would be of interest to our membership
  2. Can attribute your success to being in Toastmasters
  3. Are willing to tell current and potential Toastmasters how being in Toastmasters has helped in your success through a Facebook live event between February – June 2018

If this sounds like you or someone you know please send the following information by January 27th (deadline extended) to

  • Name & Contact information
  •  Length in Toastmasters
  • Toastmasters club(s) you are a current member of
  • Brief summary about yourself, the work you want to showcase and how Toastmasters has helped you (no more than 500 word)
  • A video explaining what you would like to share with other Toastmasters (videos should be no longer than 5 minutes in length and be sent in an MOV format)

Don’t think this sounds like you….send your video anyway! You are more fabulous than you realize!!!

This is an unpaid project.  Speakers will be chosen by February 3rd.

Please note that by submitting your video you allow District 1 to use this video for promotional activities regardless if you are chosen to participate in the project.  We may contact you for additional information.

Posted in District Event.