Speeches by Management

Managers encounter a variety of speaking situations in the work environment. These manuals offer instructions in briefings, productive feedback, empowering change, motivating a team, and delivering bad news.

Part of the Advanced Communication Series.

Project Time Objectives
1. The Briefing
3-5 minutes for speech
2-3 minutes for Q&A
A briefing is the abridged presentation of a topic designed to quickly and competently inform listeners. A versatile tool, the briefing must distill details and be easily understood.

  • Organize your briefing material, tailoring it to your audience’s needs.
  • Give a briefing according to a specific objective (explain, instruct, persuade, or report) so the audience will have an understanding of the information.
  • Effectively handle a question-and-answer session following the briefing.
2. Appraise with Praise
5-7 minutes Everyone benefits from productive feedback. If given correctly, feedback motivates the receiver to share responsibilities, complete tasks properly, and increase productivity. When the suggestions for improvement bring results and recognition, individuals are more likely to listen to future suggestions.

  • Give a speech demonstrating the importance of how you personally use fedback techniques in your daily life.
  • Use constructive evaluation to help someone improve their performance.
  • Offer support to empower them to change.
3. Persuade and Inspire
5-7 minutes Motivation is a complex conundrum. You need to recognize individuals’ unique personal motives if you wish to motivate them to achieve their maximum potential. Show your listeners how their existing personal goals align with the goals of your Toastmasters club, an organization, or company. Use positive imagery, graphic descriptive language, and energetic gestures to convey your message. Conclude with a decisive call to action.

  • Skilfully use four steps in a sales presentation: attention, interest, desire, action.
  • Identify and promote a unique selling proposition in a sales presentation.
4. Communicating Change 5-7 minutes Change is the only constant in the universe. The challenge is persuading perople not only to accept, but to embrace change. Open, sincere communication and empathy are the best methods of gaining support and instigating enthusiastic adoption of change.

  • Introduce a new idea or change to established operations or methods
  • Show the audience how the change will benefit them.
  • Overcome any resistance to the new idea and gain the audience’s support.
5. Delivering Bad News
5-7 minutes Not every message you deliver will be a positive one. Proficient speakers must master one of the most difficult communication skills – the art of delivering bad news. Your goal for this project is to deliver bad news in a positive, professional, respectful way. Preparation and organization are vital to successfully accomplishing this goal.

  • Deliver bad news with tact and sensitivity.
  • Organize your speech appropriately for your audience
  • Conclude with a pleasant note and maintain the audience’s goodwill.

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