Leading in Your Volunteer Organization

This project focuses on the skills required to lead in a volunteer organization and the importance of recognition and reward in motivating volunteers.

Purpose The purpose of this project is to apply the skills needed to successfully lead in a volunteer organization.
Overview Serve in a leadership role in Toastmasters or another volunteer organization for at least six months. You may complete this project based on your employment, but a volunteer organization is preferable. Ask members of the organization to complete a 360° evaluation of your leadership skills. Create a succession plan to aid in the
transition after you leave your position of leadership. After your six-month term, deliver a 5- to 7-minute speech at a club meeting to reflect on your personal experience.
This project includes:

  • Serving in a volunteer leadership role for a minimum of six months
  • Conducting a 360° evaluation of your leadership skills
  • Creating a succession plan
  • The Succession Plan resource
  • The 360° Evaluation resource
  • A 5- to 7-minute speech

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