Community Outreach—What’s That?
One of the realities of being part of a Toastmasters Club is that your membership will change over time and you’ll need to constantly recruit and add new members. At the club level, that’s the responsibility of the VP of Membership and the VP of PR. At the district level, there are many who work toward club growth. With the above in mind, It is my honor, as the District One Community Outreach Chair, to be part of that effort. I’m also blessed to have a team of like-minded Toastmasters. At various times during the week and at various locations we set up a kiosk or table decorated with banners and other District One logos. Next we pass out flyers to passersby We explain what Toastmasters is and, above all, we invite them to visit a nearby Toastmasters Club.
Simple enough, right! That said, the District One Community Outreach team needs your help. First, please send us an updated flyer that shows your club name, day, time and location of your meetings. If you’re having an upcoming Toastmaster event, such as an Open House, please send us a flyer for that, as well. Finally, if you have time, feel free to join the Outreach Team at our next outing.
Westchester Park Farmers Market ~ Each Wednesday 8:30 – 1 PM
Torrance Farmers Market ~ Contact Community Outreach Chair
Feel free to join us at the events above or, if you have an upcoming Toastmasters Club event, mail us your flyer and we’ll pass it out!
Everette William, Community Outreach Chair ~ or 323.385.0587
6 Reasons I Became A Toastmaster ~ Patricia Williams, CC/CL
My husband, Everette Williams, had been a Toastmaster for over 14 years before I joined a club. For 12 of those14 years, I had been a “most welcome guest at many club meetings!” But one day I decided to join a club. Here are 6 reasons why!
ONE: Although I had always felt comfortable speaking before an audience, I thought being a Toastmaster would help me organize my thoughts.
TWO: I had helped with the Youth Leadership Program for years, I wanted to make that official.
THREE: In my church, I often take on leadership roles. It occurred to me that being able to better express goals and methodology would make me a better leader.
FOUR: Overtime I had come to enjoy the fellowship and camaraderie. And, again becoming an official member of a club enhanced that enjoyment.
FIVE: I enjoyed the opportunity and challenge found in self-improvement. And, Toastmasters is all about moving forward and improving.
SIX: On your Toastmasters journey, you achieve goals and move up in designations on both the communication and leadership track. With that in mind, I found a sense of pride in adding new designations after my name.
The Toastmasters Youth Leadership Program ~ INSTRUCTORS NEEDED!!!
Communication and leadership skills are useful abilities at almost any age. With that in mind, Toast-masters created the Youth Leadership Program. Think of it as a program designed to teach youth from the ages of 12 – 17 the same skills adults learn at a club meeting.
All that’s needed is a room, tables, chairs and five youth from the ages of 12 to 17. Mature younger children may also be included. Then, one or two, experienced Toastmasters bring manuals, agendas, timing cards, lectern, Words of the Day and favorite quotes. They then teach the youth how to run a Toastmasters meeting. This includes Icebreaker Speeches, Speeches to Inform, Speeches to Persuade, Table Topics, and Evaluations. Programs last eight to nine weeks. The last meeting often acts as a culmination with the youth running a Toastmasters meeting and their families and friends acting as the audience.
And, by the way, any Toastmaster can start such a group. All one needs is a suitable location. Let’s not forget, a Toastmaster gets credit toward their ALS plus credit for any model speech they present. With all of the above in mind, if you’d like to be a Youth Leadership program instructor please contact Everette Williams at 323.385.0587 or

My thanks to the District One Community Outreach Team: Jerry Cockrell, Yvette Ferrer, Pam Foster, Ann Guintivano, Joanne Masuguchi, Diane Wachi, Patricia Sheppard-Williams & others!
Community Outreach Update Winter Edition