Julie Broady, DTM
Fellow Toastmasters,
In these first thirty-one days, you have welcomed new club officers, strategized on the new year ahead for your club, and celebrated each other for the achievements of your members. In the next 11 months, I invite you to envision your own personal experience. What will be the sequence of your planned speeches at club meetings? Will you lead a team? Envision Your Experience (EYE). Believe in the power of you and the exponential growth that will transform your life in the coming year.
I invite you to use every speech to explore the next level of communication you will achieve in your life. How will your club meetings prepare you for the personal and professional goals you’ve set? These are the transformative skills we gain inside of Toastmasters and apply to our lives outside of Toastmasters. How will your life be transformed this year?
Write down your envisioned experience and keep it handy. Refer to this frequently. Reflect. Assess. Challenge yourself. Share with a mentor to make sure you are staying on track. Let your VP of Education know so that you’re filling roles pertinent to your envisioned experience.
Let us keep an EYE on each other and encourage one another. Looking forward to hearing and seeing you this summer!
Believing in You,
Julie Broady, DTM
District Director