Lessons Learned

This project addresses how to identify the discussion points of a large group meeting, encourage a culture of contribution and voicing opinions, and facilitate productive discussion that yields results.

Purpose The purpose of this project is to learn about and apply the skills needed to run a lessons learned meeting during a project or after its completion.
Overview Facilitate a lessons learned meeting for a team with which you are completing or have completed a project. This meeting is separate from your regular Toastmasters meeting. Organize and facilitate a discussion.
Record the results into a document you and your team members can use to facilitate the current project or future projects. If you haven’t already, give team members an opportunity to complete a 360° evaluation of you as a team leader. (Use the 360° Evaluation resource.) Finally, present a 5- to 7-minute speech in your club about the lessons learned meeting or your leadership experience.
This project includes:

  • Facilitating a lessons learned meeting
  • Documenting the results of the lessons learned meeting
  • The 360° Evaluation resource
  • The Lessons Learned Response Log
  • The Metrics Log
  • A 5- to 7-minute speech

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