District 1 Blogs

The Verizon Outage Wake-up Call: How to Future-Proof Your Toastmasters Team

by Shawnté Marie Howard, LD5


If you were among the many Verizon users on September 30th, you experienced a reality check—a reminder not just of how dependent we are on our phones but also the importance of tackling tasks before the last minute.

For those out of the loop, Verizon suffered a nationwide outage, leaving countless users struggling to stay productive. The impact? Loss of phone service, internet, and general connectivity—creating communication chaos for millions.

Now, you might wonder, “What does this have to do with Toastmasters?”

September 30th is a major deadline for Toastmasters International. By midnight Mountain Time (10:59 PM PST), crucial tasks must be completed—dues renewals for DCP credit, officer training adjustments, and submissions for district success, marketing, and communication plans. Missing these deadlines can affect whether a club, area, division, or even a district achieves Distinguished status.

Toastmasters worldwide scrambled to meet these critical deadlines, and with systems already running slow, imagine adding a 12-hour internet outage to the mix!

So, how can we set ourselves up for success if this happens again? Here are 7 strategies to ensure your team stays on track, no matter what.

1. Create a Clear Communication Plan

Create Multi-channel communications. Don’t rely on just one platform. Utilize multiple tools like email, WhatsApp, Slack, or Google Chat to ensure your team stays connected, even if one system goes down. It is also great to have an Emergency Contact List. Share an updated list with alternate contact details (phone numbers, emails, messaging apps) so everyone knows how to reach each other in case of an outage.

2. Set Early Deadlines

Adding in Buffer Time can make a huge difference. Plan to finish tasks before the actual deadline. This gives your team a safety cushion for unexpected challenges, like outages. You can also try Task Prioritization. Focus on the most critical tasks early. This ensures you hit important milestones well before deadlines loom.

3. Use Offline Tools and Cloud-Based Solutions

Download key documents, agendas, and materials ahead of time so you can keep working, even if the internet goes out. Also, choosing a Cloud Storage can be great. Keep essential files in cloud-based services like Google Drive or Dropbox. This ensures access from any device, anywhere, even during disruptions.

4. Delegate Roles and Responsibilities

Role Rotation can be key in situations like an outage. Make sure more than one person knows how to handle key tasks like submitting reports or communicating with HQ. This way, if one person is unavailable, the task doesn’t get delayed.
A great way to do this is have backup leaders or Successors. Assign a second-in-command for every major responsibility, ensuring there’s always someone ready to take over if needed.

5. Set Up Automatic Reminders

Many of us have multiple things going on, so Calendar Alerts are a great way to keep ourselves on track. Shared calendars with automated reminders can keep everyone aware of upcoming deadlines, so nothing slips through the cracks. Task Management Tools are great for this. Use platforms like Trello, Asana, or Monday.com to track tasks, assign responsibilities, and send reminders.

6. Conduct Regular Status Updates

Trust, but verify, is the phrase that comes to mind here. Check-ins are crucial. Short, frequent check-ins help everyone stay aligned on progress. In the event of an outage, this practice reduces the risk of falling behind. Progress Tracking is an easy way to accomplish this.Use shared tracking tools to monitor task completion. This allows your team to address potential delays early on.

7. Prepare for Contingencies
Having a Contingency Planning can be a game changer. Develop a plan outlining how the team will operate during an outage. Ensure everyone knows their role and has access to alternative communication channels. Adding in an Emergency Protocol in your club success plans is also effective. Establish an emergency process for urgent tasks, such as using mobile hotspots or shifting responsibilities to team members unaffected by the outage.

By incorporating these strategies—setting early deadlines, establishing clear communication plans, and leveraging cloud tools—your Toastmasters team can meet deadlines efficiently, even during an unexpected outage.