Professional Development Workshop #1 – Job Hunting Skills

Lakewood 1497 in conjunction with Rotary International presents the first in our monthly Professional Development Workshops. Workshops will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month with a different theme each night. March 16th theme is “Job Hunting Skills.” Our very own Anjetta McQueen Thackeray, VP of Education, will offer a workshop on “Resume Preparation” followed by a Q and A with the audience. Are you in the process of changing jobs? Are you looking for a way to update your resume? This workshop is for you! Contact our club for more information and the Zoom link. Pre-register on our Meetup page for this event and future events.

Find Substantial Job Opportunities Today
René E Mejia
Rotary Club of Bellflower, Club President 2020-21

Resume Secrets: Tell Your Story and Land That Job

Anjetta McQueen Thackeray
Lakewood Toastmasters 1497, Vice President Education

The Technique: How to Close the Deal in Your Job Interview

David Kitchen
Toastmasters District 1, Parliamentarian