Jessica Allen, DTM, IPDD

Greetings fellow Toastmasters and friends!

I am so pleased to serve you as the 2016-2017 District 1 Director.

I invite you to fully participate in District 1 Toastmasters and experience the exciting opportunities available to you. Join us and together we can grow, learn and recreate ourselves!  Our theme for the year is, “Together We Can!” 

Toastmasters is where individuals are empowered to become more effective communicators and leaders. It is the place to conquer your fears, expand your boundaries, and overcome the challenges you face in your life.

Together we can provide a safe place to practice communication and leadership skills. As a member, you are encouraged to speak, to express yourself, to Find Your Voice, and to share what you know with others. You are also asked to listen, to offer feedback, to provide support and thus enable others to find their voices, too.

As a Toastmaster, you become the one who provides encouragement and hope, not only to other members, but to everyone you meet. Your active participation allows you to gain experience or the “know how” to be more compassionate and understanding, to be a better listener, and a cheerleader. This ability to connect, support and make a difference in another’s life is the beauty of Toastmasters.

As a District, our mission is to build new clubs and support all clubs in achieving excellence. We do this by following Toastmasters International Values:

  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Service
  • Excellence

This year we are excited to introduce our new outreach program. This program will allow us to expand our network of clubs and members.  We are excited to share and  celebrate what Toastmasters has done for us and what it can do for others.   We invite YOU, the members, to participate in our community outreach program.  Step outside your club and join  our outreach team!  For more information, contact our  Outreach Chair Choon Mah-Meggett. 

Suppose you don’t have time to serve on our outreach team.  Good news!  We still want to hear your ideas for starting a new club.  District 1 is always looking for innovative and exciting ideas for new clubs.  If you have an idea or a lead, click on the link below and submit the information.  It’s that easy!  Our team will follow up.

Every member plays an important role in enabling District 1 to accomplish its mission.

Let us support one another through the learning and cheer wildly as we observe our fears conquered, challenges met, and goals exceeded!

Let’s be the “Feel Good” District by following two principles: lead by example and play as a team. Together, we will continue to build on the strong foundation laid by our previous leaders and spread the beauty of Toastmasters.

I applaud you as you step into a new phase of your Toastmaster journey.    Together we can encourage each other to  reach goals that we once thought were unreachable.  Together we can celebrate each others achievements.    Together we can challenge one another to become better communicators and leaders.  Together we can and we will be Presidents Distinguished!

Together We Can!

Jessica Allen, DTM

District 1 Director 2016-2017

“Where Leaders Are Made”

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