Century City Toastmasters Club Celebrates 60 Years

Developing Self-Confident Speakers and Leaders

Century City Toastmasters announces their 60th anniversary with a private event to be held at the Culver Hotel, March 4, 2018. Century City Toastmasters is one of over 2,000 clubs in the United States, and one of 16,400+ clubs worldwide in Toastmasters International. Founded in 1924, by Ralph C. Smedley, Toastmasters now has more than 352,000 members in 141 countries. Century City Toastmasters was charted January 1, 1958, as the 2,681st club, and currently has about 50 members.

Emerson was “spot on” when he famously stated that in order to become a great speaker you have to be a bad speaker first. Becoming a good speaker takes an understanding of the skills that change a weak presenter into a self-confident communicator and leader.

Since 1958, Century City Toastmasters (CCTM) has helped hundreds of members over the years, overcome their fear of public speaking, become powerful presenters and effective leaders. The club’s high energy, early-morning meetings have proven to be ideal for entrepreneurs, early birds and those who work nearby. CCTM is one of the top clubs in Toastmasters’ Southern California’s “District 1” containing about 175 clubs, spanning from Long Beach to Hollywood, and Santa Monica to I­nglewood. Century City Toastmasters has achieved the top President’s Distinguished Award for at least the past 16 years.

The club is open to new members, who want to become better speakers or leaders. Weekly meetings, led by members in various functional roles, provide opportunities for prepared speeches, as well as impromptu speaking. Each prepared speech is followed with a personal oral evaluation, and written feedback from every attendee. New members can expect a warm and supportive environment, with positive and productive people who are on a path of self-improvement.

“Our members share a common goal…self-improvement and building confidence by engaging in a positive public speaking experience. Century City Toastmasters is the incubator for nurturing public speaking growth.” says Anthony Phills, VP of PR and Marketing.

For more information about Century City Toastmasters, visit centurycitytoastmasters.org, or email centurycitytoastmasters@gmail.com. For more information about Toastmasters International, visit toastmasters.org

Photo by Aurora Meneghello – Design by Anthony Phills

Posted in Club Spotlight.