Membership Growth

Hundreds of Membership Building Ideas

Click HERE to learn about Hundreds of Membership Building Ideas!

Do You Need To Revitalize Club Membership?

A club is a strong as its membership. When your goal is to grow your membership, your first step is the Membership Growth 20-page manual by Toastmasters International.

Your club will also benefit by the information in How to Rebuild A Toastmasters Club and How to Attract and Retain Members from the Toastmasters Success 101 Series.

Dues are Due Templates

  1. New Membership Fees for the Year Template – Regular Membership
  2. New Membership Fees for the Year Template – Charter Membership

Twenty Members

  • Toastmasters International is a 92 year old brand.  We know that there are great growth opportunities for Toastmasters, but we also know that sometimes membership in clubs has it’s ebbs and flows.
    • If your club is struggling to get the 20 members required, we can help.  Why 20 members?  That’s the minimum number to ensure members don’t get “burned out” and that all members get the variety of feedback and experience they need to reach their Toastmasters goals.
    • It may also be that your club has more than 20 members, but only a few of those members actually attend meetings on a regular basis.

How We Can Help

  • If your club has 12 or fewer members, it qualifies to have a Club Coach appointed.
    • A Club Coach is (initially) NOT a member of your club – the Coach attends meetings and offers advice from an outside perspective.
    • The Club Coach doesn’t direct the club, the Club Coach coaches the club to help members regain Charter strength of 20 members.

Becoming a First Class Club Coach is a great opportunity to achieve a leadership goal.

As always, your District 1 team is here to help!

For further information or help, contact  Club Growth Director District 1 – Brad Stauffer.