Technical Presentations

Presenting technical information in a way that doesn’t bore the audience is challenging. Learn how to prepare technical briefings, design and present a proposal, talk about a technical subject to a nontechnical audience, present a technical paper and enhance a technical talk with the internet.

Part of the Advanced Communication Series.

Project Time Objectives
1. The Technical Briefing
8-10 minutes
  • Using a systematic approach, organize technical material into a concise presentation.
  • Tailor the presentation to the audience’s needs, interests, and knowledge levels.
2. The Proposal
8-10 minutes for speech
3-5 minutes for Q&A
  • To prepare a technical presentation advocating a product, service, idea, or course of action.
  • To present your viewpoint logically and convincingly, using an “inverted-pyramid” approach.
  • To effectively use presentation software on a laptop computer to illustrate your message.
  • To effectively handle a question-and-answer period.
3. The Nontechnical Audience
10-12 minutes
  • Understand the principles of communicating complex information to nontechnical listeners,
  • Build and deliver an interesting talk based on these principles.
  • Answer audience questions that arise during the presentation,
  • Illustrate your message using a slideshow with presentation software
4. Presenting a Technical Paper
10-12 minutes
  • Deliver an interesting speech based on a technical paper or article.
  • Effectively use slideshow to illustrate your theme.
  • Provide additional information, such as answers to questions, using a flip chart.
5. Enhancing a Technical Talk with the Internet
12-15 minutes
  • Understand the nature and process of a technical presentation supported with professional-level visual aids (Arrangements for this presentation should be made with your club’s Vice President Education well in advance, taking into consideration the requirements for high-tech visual aids. Also, you should arrange to have printouts of your pre- and post- communications for your evaluator to see at the lecture. Time mentioned does not include these other forms of sharing Information.)
  • Arrange pre-meeting communications via e-mail
  • Find or create a post-meeting Web site for further dissemination of information supporting or enhancing your verbal presentation. You may create a Web page and add it to your club’s Web site, making use of podcasting, webcasting, or a basic Internet template
  • Use a desktop computer, word processor, a Web browser, a simple graphics program for photos and other images, presentation software as well as the venerable flip chart to support your presentation.

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