Lead in Any Situation

This project focuses on leadership and recognizing the need to adapt your style based on the situation and the people you lead.

Purpose The purpose of this project is to apply the skills needed to successfully lead in a volunteer or other organization.
Overview For at least six months, take on a leadership role in Toastmasters (at any level), within another volunteer organization, or in your career. While serving in your role, ask your peers to complete a 360° evaluation. Present an 8- to 10-minute speech about your experience as a leader. Your speech may be humorous, informational, or any type that appeals to you. The speech is not a report on the content of this project, but a reflection of your experience and/or the impact of the 360° evaluation.
This project includes:

  • Serving in a leadership for a minimum of six months
  • A 360° evaluation
  • An 8- to 10-minute speech

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